Monday, August 29, 2011

I Already Planned to Sell My Couch, Now I Need to Have a Yard Sale!

James 1:9-11, 5:1-3

“Prosperity is as short-lived as a wildflower, so don’t ever count on it.”  James 1:10b (MSG) 

Growing up in the countryside of the Midwestern US, there always was an abundance of wildflowers growing in the fields and pastures.  While James refers to the wildflower withering in the sun, I think of winters, cold snaps, early and late freezes as ways I saw wildflowers die.  They came and went with the changing of the seasons and their lives were at the mercy of the weather.

A common misconception about verses like these is that the bible tells us money is bad.  But what it actually says is that the love of money is not good.  “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”  1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)  It is not riches or wealth themselves that are bad.  But how important they are to me can make way for harsh judgment.

In the story of the young rich man (Matt 19:16-23; Mark 10:17-23), Jesus tells the man, “Go sell all your possessions... Then come follow me.”  Matt 19:21 (MSG)  It wasn’t that he couldn’t get to heaven while rich, but that his possessions were too important to him.   He was unable to let go of earthly things and follow Jesus because his stuff was more valuable to him than Jesus.   God doesn’t mind if I have money or possessions, he just doesn’t want my focus to be on things of this world.  If I am focused on making money or acquiring stuff, then my focus is not on God.

Then consider the ever-changing economy, stock market fluctuation, massive amounts of individual and national debt, depressions, recessions...  In the blink of an eye I can require major surgery that costs many thousands of dollars.  I can lose everything I own in a fire or flood.  Even if I had money, I couldn’t count on it always being there.

The only thing that is sure and constant in my life is God.  I can’t count on worldly prosperity, but I can count on God.  Keeping my focus on him and living according to his will I will be more fulfilled and spiritually prosperous than if I am trying to figure out how to get more money, get more stuff, get more, get more, get more.

So I will enjoy the wildflowers while they are here, but not mourn them when they are gone.  Because I know that while they come and go with the changing of the seasons, God who gives them life will always be by my side.  And I can count on that.

Amen!  :D

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