Friday, August 19, 2011

I Think You Should Read This. It Would Be Good For You.

Romans 14:13-23

I need to take note of the first verse in this reading: "Forget about deciding what's right for each other." Rom. 14:13a (MSG) 

In the past, I've all too often decided what I think someone else should be doing.  I'd get frustrated when they wouldn't take my advice or change their behavior.  I actually caused myself a lot of stress over some - most noteably my ex.  Even long after we broke up I still thought I knew better than she did how she should live her life.  I could have avoided so many headaches if I only had focused on myself and let her sort out her own stuff.  Arguments would have been far less frequent, and my blood pressure would have stayed consistently normal. 

Now that I am learning to focus on myself and my own behavior with biblical help and by listening in the rooms of Al-Anon and at Celebrate Recovery meetings, my life can be much simpler.  At the end of that first verse it says, "...don't get in the way of someone else, making life more difficult than it already is." Rom. 14:13b (MSG)  So true!

The rest of the reading uses food as an example since different religious sects at the time were particular about what should or should not be eaten, but the point is the same.  "So let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other.  Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault."  Rom. 14:19 (MSG)

Amen!  :D

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